

symbol(ticker), CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL, RIC, WPK, bloomberg code, 可能额外还有一个公司内部的统一编码

那这些标识到底都是什么意思呢?为了避免重复劳动,我直接别的网站摘录过来,其中包括symbol, CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL和RIC的说明。




The SYMBOL is another unique identifies used to represent a particular security listed on an exchange or  traded publicly. Very commonly used for trading, market data and other places. All listed securities have  unique ticker symbol.

Some examples are: IBM, MSFT, GE etc.


ISIN stands for ”International Securities Identification Number”. It is used to uniquely identifies a security. It is originated from ISO 6166. ISIN is used to identify bonds, commercial paper, equities, warrants and most of the listed derivatives. The ISIN code is a 12 character alphanumerical code.

One distinction is that ISIN code doesn’t change by exchange or currency it trades. It is unique unlike symbol that may change based on exhcnage and currency.

To distinguish the exchange it has the same ISIN on each, though not the same ticker symbol. ISIN cannot specify a particular trading location in this case, and another identifier, typically MIC or the three-letter exchange code, will have to be specified in addition to the ISIN. The SEDOL board of the London Stock Exchange has revised their own standards to address this issue.

Example: LT0000610040


The CUSIP number or simply a CUSIP is another key identifier used finanical marketsm to uniquely identify the company or issuer and the type of security.
CUSIP stands for “Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures”.  The CUSIP number is mainly used for US and Canadian stocks, and US government and municipal bonds.

The CUSIP number is nine characters wide and its a combination of letters and numbers. The first six characters identify the issuer and are assigned in an alphabetical fashion; the seventh and eighth characters identify the type of issue; and the last digit is used as a check digit.

The CUSIP Service Bureau is operated by Standard & Poor’s on behalf of the American Bankers Association (ABA). You can learn more at http://www.cusip.com.

Example: 008000AA7 (more examples)


The SEDOL is used for all securities trading on the London Stock Exchange and other exchanges in the U.K. The SEDOL stands for “Stock Exchange Daily Official List” and it is seven characters wide. It is combination of letters and numbers.

Generally used to identify the UK securities that are not traded in US. Unique code is issued for each market  the security is listed on.  You should also know about MIC that is used to identify Markets(exchanges).

Example: B0WNLY7

RIC Code

The RIC stands for ”Reuters Instrument Code”,used by Reuters to identify financial instruments and indices. The codes are used for looking up information on various Reuters financial information networks.

RIC code is mainly two parts. First part is a symbol and second part is exchange code which is optional. Second part is separated by period.

Example: MSFT.OQ representst the Microsoft on NASDAQ.

Additional Notes:

Sample CUSIPS (Just few details of some of the bonds issued by different corporations are given):

14149YAR9 - Corporate Bond - Cardinal Health Inc
126650BG4 - Corporate Bond -CVS Caremark Corp
254709AC2 - Corporate Bond -Discover Finl Services
437076AQ5 - Corporate Bond -Home Depot Inc
441060AG5 - Corporate Bond -Hospira Inc
50075NAN4 - Corporate Bond -Kraft Foods Inc
574599BE5 - Corporate Bond -Masco Corp
617446B99 - Corporate Bond -Morgan Stanley
637640AC7 - Corporate Bond -Natl Semicon Corp
713291AL6 - Corporate Bond -Pepco Hldgs Inc
852061AE0 - Corporate Bond -Sprint Nextel Corp
887317AA3 - Corporate Bond -Time Warner Inc
925524BF6 - Corporate Bond -Viacom
125509BG3 - Corporate Bond -Cigna Corp
125896AV2 - Corporate Bond -CMS Engy Corp



WPK(或者WKN, WPKN, Wert)是德国证券标识代码。In Germany the securities identification number (WKN) is a six-figure number. The International Security Identification Number (ISIN) is a worldwide classification index that was also introduced as a standard in Germany in 2003. The WKN is included in the German ISIN. The twelve-digit ISIN is made up of a two-digit country code, a nine-digit national code and a verification code. The WKN is included in the sixth to eleventh digit.


VALOR numbers

The VALOR number is a code which uniquely identifies listed securities and financial instruments used in Switzerland, and serve a similar purpose to CUSIP or WKN in the North American or German markets respectively.



此外,上文中提到的MIC,是market identifier code的缩写,属于ISO 10383,主要用来标识交易所。http://www.iso15022.org/MIC/homepageMIC.htm




Bloomberg最近又推出了一个bloomberg global id计划,在其open symbology网站(http://bsym.bloomberg.com/sym/)可以免费查询。好处是涵盖所有金融市场的所有证券产品,免费。相关背景新闻:http://www.a-teamgroup.com/article/two-data-managers-provide-feedback-on-bloombergs-bbgid/



